What is Stalking?
The Department of Justice defines stalking as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. 7.5 million people are stalked in one year in the United States and the majority are stalked by someone they know, often a current or former intimate partner.
Stalking behavior can include:
Making threats against someone, or that person's family or friends
Non-consensual communication, such as repeated phone calls, emails, text messages, and unwanted gifts
Repeated physical or visual closeness, like waiting for someone to arrive at certain locations, following someone, or watching someone from a distance
Any other behavior used to contact, harass, track, or threaten someone
Technology-facilitated stalking
To get more information about stalking to help yourself or someone else in your life, call or text the regional EmpowerNet Hotline at 804-612-6126. If you would like to request an educational workshop on this topic, please fill out this form.