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Community Partners

Hanover Safe Place is proud to work with the following community organizations to help fulfill our mission within the community:


MCEF (Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions) performs as a collection of various Christian churches in Mechanicsville that provide free services to Hanover residents such as, but not limited to: food pantry, clothing closet, emergency financial assistance and counseling services. 804-357-4093


WHEAT (Western Hanover Emergency Action Team) is a nonprofit developed to assist families in emergency need in Western Hanover. Their services (health closet, food pantry, financial assistance) are provided 24 hours a day. Must call and leave a message and a WHEAT worker will call you back. 877-559-4328


ACES (Ashland Christian Emergency Services) provides free clothing and other house hold items for Ashland residents. Must have a referral from Hanover Safe Place or Hanover Social Services. Open M, W, F 8:30 – 11:30am. 804-798-2784


Hanover Department of Social Services provides various services to Hanover County residents and determines eligibility for TANF, SNAP Program (formerly called Food Stamps Program), Medicaid/Medicare, etc. 804-365-4100


CSB (Community Services Board) offers a wide array of services for low income Hanover County residents including: crisis services, psychiatric services, case management, day support and community education. 804-365-4000


The Rotary Club of Mechanicsville is a civic group of Hanover business professionals and owners. The Rotary hosts Casino Night every March, which benefits Hanover Safe Place.


Bon Secours Richmond Health System is a network of hospitals in the Metro-Richmond area including St. Mary’s (Richmond), Richmond Community (Richmond), St. Francis (Chesterfield) and Memorial Regional (Hanover). All four of these hospitals are a part of the RHART response.


MCV (Medical College of Virginia) located in Richmond, Virginia, the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System is an urban, comprehensive academic medical center in central Virginia established to preserve and restore health for all people, to seek the cause and cure of diseases through innovative research, and to educate those who serve the community.  MCV is a part of the RHART response 804-828-9000


YWCA of Richmond is a domestic and sexual violence resource center in Richmond, Virginia that provides safe shelter, transitional shelter, case management and counseling services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  The YWCA serves Richmond and Chesterfield County. 804-643-0888


Safe Harbor is a domestic and sexual violence resource center in Henrico, Virginia that provides safe shelter, case management and counseling services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Safe Harbor serves Henrico County. 804-287-7871


Hanover County is the main service area for Hanover Safe Place. 804-365-6000


Town of Ashland is the location of Hanover Safe Place’s main office and one of the service areas in Hanover County that Hanover Safe Place serves. Ashland is a community of seven square miles and 6,000 plus residents that enjoys prosperity fueled by the College, a growing private sector and a strong regional economy 804-798-9219

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